target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US47695521

Evaluating Agile, PPM, PSA, and Work Management Solutions with Microsoft and Customer Reference Context

By:  Melinda-Carol Ballou Loading


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This IDC Perspective is one in a series of IDC studies that examine collaborative work management and project and portfolio management (PPM) solutions and provide both vendor analysis and customer reference context for technology adoption and user buyer decision making. This document assesses the work management and PPM strategy of Microsoft, as it targets a range of areas from project management to agile to work management in the cloud with PPM, analytics, and professional service automation (PSA) with project operations and ML capabilities. We discuss Microsoft's work management and PSA PPM product portfolio. Microsoft's breadth can position the company for pressing user needs across a range of categories of PPM. We consider Microsoft relative to trends in user adoption for work management and enterprise adoption. We do so in the context of an overall economy that is volatile in unprecedented ways with ongoing hybrid work, with geopolitical upheaval, economic contraction as we move into 2023 evolving from a pandemic driving demand and adoption for collaborative work management and PPM. We also include summaries of two Microsoft customers references including a healthcare equipment manufacturer and a copper mining company.

"IDC sees adoption of work management and agile solutions for dynamic execution and innovative decision making via automation to enable speedy responsiveness and invocation of dynamically changing initiatives," said Melinda Ballou, research director, IDC's Agile ALM, Quality, and Portfolio Strategies service. "Complementing these capabilities, increasingly, we observe demand for collaboration, workflow, and intuitive interfaces for an easy on-ramp coordinated with sufficient project and portfolio management approaches for businesses and technology helping focus teams with targeted execution, cutting delays to benefit, and improving metrics. It is in part due to these trends that IDC has chosen to prioritize this area as one of several areas of focus for a series of end user–oriented vendor analysis that include customer summaries."


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