target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US47826622

IDC's Worldwide Future of Work Spending Guide Taxonomy, 2023: Release V1, 2023


  • Karen Massey Loading
  • Eileen Smith Loading
  • Mario Allen Clement Loading
  • Eman Elshewy Loading
  • Nicholas Guo Loading
  • Roberto Membrila Loading
  • Akira Muranishi
  • Jing Qian
  • Kasturi Rawool Loading
  • Angela Vacca Loading


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This IDC study provides a detailed description of IDC's Worldwide Future of Work Spending Guide methodology and taxonomy. It should be used as a companion piece for IDC's Worldwide Future of Work Spending Guide. Technology suppliers may utilize IDC's use case approach and structure, as presented in this document, to help them refocus their products and services and build relevant business cases.

"How employers engage employees and how people work continue to evolve, enabled by digital transformation technologies and accelerated by the changing boundaries of digital workspaces and reimagined workplaces," said Karen Massey, research director of IDC's Customer Insights and Analysis Group. "IDC's Worldwide Future of Work Spending Guide presents a comprehensive view of the future of work ecosystem, and it is an invaluable resource to help vendors define and standardize their vocabulary when evaluating their positioning in this highly relevant and dynamic market."


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