target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2022 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US48187622

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Industry Cloud Professional Services 2022 Vendor Assessment

By:  Nadia Ballard Loading


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This IDC study provides an assessment of the market for industry cloud professional services and how some of the major professional services firms are engaged in the space. Using the IDC MarketScape model, we have identified what criteria are important for companies selecting a service provider for an industry cloud-related project and how the vendors in this study performed against these criteria overall. Interviews and surveys conducted with the vendors' industry cloud clients and partners provided additional feedback and details for the evaluations.

"Buyers across industries and geographies are enthusiastic about industry clouds, both in adopting some that are commercially available and in developing their own. Since cloud professional services vendors usually play important roles in any industry cloud project, we are excited to offer buyers an objective assessment tool that can help them make better decisions when selecting their professional services partners," said Nadia Ballard, research manager for Industry Clouds and SaaS at IDC.


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