target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2022 - Document type: IDC MaturityScape - Doc  Document number: # US48271222

IDC MaturityScape: Warehouse Management Resiliency 1.0

By:  Roderick Gaines Loading


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This IDC study describes the IDC MaturityScape: Warehouse Management Resiliency 1.0. It provides a framework for executive leadership and IT and supply chain managers to identify the stages, critical measures, outcomes, and actions required for organizations to evaluate and evolve their warehouse management strategy. Organizations will use the study to identify where they stand in terms of warehouse management resiliency and create a path toward achieving a leading-class supply chain. In addition, organizations will use the IDC MaturityScape as a tool to promote cross-functional and interorganizational collaboration to drive performance improvement and bring the end-to-end value chain into alignment.

"As manufacturers shift to resilience and sustainability, they've been compelled to be more active in enhancing the environmental performance of their processes due to growing inadequacy and cost of material resources and energy, as well as waste management issues. Furthermore, concerns about industrial facilities' social and environmental implications have developed as a new source of tension on manufacturers to amend the current industrial growth paradigm," says Roderick Gaines, research director, Warehousing, Inventory, and Order Management at IDC.


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