target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2022 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US48847822

Professional Services Enable the Future of Digital Innovation

By:  Gard Little Loading


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This IDC Perspective explains how professional services enable organizations to produce software-based digital innovations. While the software development function has been covered extensively by IDC elsewhere, this document discusses the software sourcing and distribution functions that surround development. It also discusses how professional services can be used to help organizations build a culture more receptive to innovation.

"While in theory, any organization can become more digitally innovative on its own, but in practice, it requires a lot of hard work in three areas not familiar to most," said Gard Little, research vice president, Global Services Markets and Trends. "The first area is scanning various software ecosystems for code that can be integrated with its own custom development; second, is distributing custom developed code, either directly to customers or indirectly back into an ecosystem; and third, is creating a business culture more receptive to innovation. Third-party service providers stand ready to help in all three areas."


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