target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49363922

The ESG Partner Ecosystem: How Are Partnerships Enabling Sustainable Transformation?

By:  Dan Versace Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses how partnerships in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) partner ecosystem are enabling sustainable transformation. ESG professional services firms are increasingly collaborating with diverse partners including data providers, technology companies, industry associations, NGOs, and academic institutions to offer comprehensive and tailored sustainability solutions. This ecosystem approach addresses the growing client demand for holistic ESG integration, navigates the complexity of ESG issues, and ensures compliance with evolving regulations. Partnerships enhance firms' capabilities in data analytics, technology utilization, and sector-specific expertise, fostering innovation and credibility in delivering impactful ESG strategies and solutions.

"ESG transformation demands deep, diverse partnerships to navigate complexities and drive sustainable impact." — Dan Versace, research analyst, Environmental, Social, and Governance Business Services at IDC


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