target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US49401323

Worldwide Solid State Drive Market Shares, 2022: Rapidly Evolving Dynamics Shape the Year

By:  Jeff Janukowicz Loading


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This IDC study examines the market share for the worldwide SSD market for calendar year 2022 and reviews the forces and dynamics that influenced the market.

"2022 was a transitional year for the SSD industry due to the rapid change in market dynamics in the second half of the year," said Jeff Janukowicz, research vice president, Solid State Drives and Enabling Technologies at IDC. "Following two strong years of growth, macroeconomic headwinds and inventory adjustments impacted the market and 2022 SSD revenue declined 3.9% year over year to $36.9 billion."


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