target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US49868723

Industry Market Trends: Asia/Pacific Financial Services 2023

By:  Abhishek Kumar Loading


  • 54 slides

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This Market Presentation Report aims to provide technology vendors with an overview of the key business trends shaping the financial services industry in 2023 in Asia/Pacific. The report offers a foundation of industry knowledgeto: 

  • Develop compelling narratives that resonate with financial services companies.
  • Align product and service offerings with financial services institutions' priorities.
  • Show financial services companies how relevant technology implementation contributes toward the achievement of their goals. 
  • Design short, medium, and long-term approaches to working with financial services clients.

Technology vendor executives inmarketing, sales, product strategy, market intelligence, and channel management can leverage the insight from this report as a starting point to organize their activities.

"Despite the challenging economic conditions, Asia's financial institutions are strongly committed to increasing their quality of customer experience by investing in technological initiatives. However, many institutions are aware that they cannot do it alone because of constraints, such as talent crunch in certain countries. Now more than ever, Asia's financial institutions will be looking to collaborate with technology providers on their digital transformation journey," says Abhishek Kumar, associate research director, IDC Financial Insights.


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