target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jan 2023 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49998323

Worldwide Hard Disk Drive 4Q22 Preliminary Shipment Results

By:  Edward Burns Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective provides a preliminary unit shipment range for worldwide hard disk drive (HDD) units by HDD drive class and estimated supplier market share for 4Q22.

"Weakness across most segments continues as a result of a macroeconomic slowdown, ongoing inflation, China COVID-19 restrictions, and excessive customer inventory levels," according to Ed Burns, research director, Worldwide Hard Disk Drives at IDC. "While IDC expects that the inventory situation and China lockdowns will ease over the next couple of quarters, macroeconomic uncertainty and inventory drawdowns, particularly in the first half of 2023, remain a major risk to near-term HDD demand recovery."


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