target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jan 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50009623

What Does an Organization's Digital Business Maturity Say About Its Planned Spending on Cloud Platform Services in 2023?

By:  Lara Greden Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight provides insight into what an organization's digital business maturity indicates for planned spending on cloud platform services in 2023. The research shows that across all categories of planned cloud platform services/PaaS spending in 2023, there is a correlation with digital business maturity — but it's not necessarily intuitive. The findings provide useful input for go-to-market efforts with respect to segmentation by digital business maturity. The findings are also useful for end-user organizations that are aiming to benchmark cloud platform spending changes in 2023.

The cloud platform/PaaS vendors referred to in this document span foundational cloud service providers and the wider cloud platform ecosystem: Microsoft, Google, AWS, IBM, Oracle, SAP, Alibaba, VMware, Red Hat, NetApp, Dell, Service Now, Salesforce, Snowflake, MongoDB, Couchbase, Digital Ocean, OutSystems, Workday, Atlassian, and others.

This document highlights data from IDC's December 2022 Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, Wave 11.


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