target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US50129323

IDC's Worldwide Document Imaging Scanner Taxonomy, 2023


  • Geoffrey Wilbur Loading
  • Tim Greene Loading


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This IDC study provides a comprehensive overview of and definitions for document imaging scanners (DIS). The definitions provided in this document represent the scope of IDC's DIS hardware research. This taxonomy outlines market segmentations and measurement methodologies for DIS, including classification by technology, vendor, geography, and revenue metrics.

"IDC's worldwide document image scanner taxonomy presents a standardized and detailed framework of the DIS market," said Geoffrey Wilbur, research manager, Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions at IDC. "The taxonomy document serves as a reference guide to better understand and use IDC's DIS research."


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