target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50199923

Understanding the Rise of Platform Engineering and Its Relationship with DevOps


  • Katie Norton Loading
  • Jim Mercer Loading


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This IDC Perspective seeks to provide clarity around the rise of platform engineering and its relationship with DevOps. The document lays out a definition of platform engineering, as well as details the components of an internal developer platform (IDP), contextualized with the forces that have contributed to the rise of platform engineering. Finally, key pieces of advice for organizations looking to adopt platform engineering are provided.

"Platform engineering has been a hot topic surrounded by both a lot of hype and just as many misconceptions, especially as it relates to DevOps," said Katie Norton, senior research analyst, DevOps & DevSecOps at IDC. "This document helps organizations understand that platform engineering and DevOps are complementary and synergistic practices that, when coupled, can optimize and scale software delivery across the largest enterprises."


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