target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US50304723

IDC's Worldwide Digital Transformation Use Case Taxonomy, 2023: Higher Education

By:  Matthew Leger Loading


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This IDC study provides IDC's digital transformation (DX) use case taxonomy for higher education. This taxonomy is organized by seven strategic priorities, which are common priorities in tertiary education settings around the globe — teaching and learning; student engagement and support; student health and well-being; research and discovery; alumni, donor, and partner relations; campus administration; and smart and sustainable campus. The study also provides a guide to an institution's digital transformation journey, describing what is possible and areas of high-technology impact so that institutions can take a strategic approach to IT investment aligned with institutional objectives.

"Technology transformation is a business and operational imperative for higher education," said Matthew Leger, research manager, IDC's Worldwide Education Digital Strategies research program. "The industry is at a critical inflection point, and institutional leaders must continue to embrace transformation to reimagine higher education and provide high-value faculty, staff, and student experiences in the digital-first world."


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