target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US50411023

IDC's Worldwide Competitive Cloud Platform as a Service Taxonomy, 2023

By:  Lara Greden Loading


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This IDC study provides a detailed description of IDC's competitive cloud platform as a service (PaaS) market. Public cloud platform services are critical to modern digital enterprises. Cloud platform service/PaaS providers, including but not limited to public cloud IaaS providers, are expanding their capabilities to serve customers in hybrid and multicloud environments. Edge environments are increasingly considered an extension of the cloud definitions. PaaS solutions that deliver cross-cloud capabilities continue to expand and help customers meet their needs for consistency, scalability, and security, regardless of the underlying compute destination. New use cases, workloads, and best practices are being developed across all segments of the cloud platform/PaaS market.

"The supply side of the public cloud PaaS market consists of a mix of public cloud providers and ecosystem vendors serving customers' application development and deployment needs, including database and AI cloud services," said Lara Greden, research director, PaaS, at IDC. "The public cloud PaaS market remains incredibly well positioned to serve customers' digital innovation strategies, where data, AI/ML, and edge are at the forefront of enterprise value creation."


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