target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50497621

PLM Priorities for Large Product Manufacturers — Analysis of Projects from Systems Integrators and Strategic Consultants

By:  John Snow Loading


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This IDC Perspective analyzes and highlights digital transformation projects for PLM completed by systems integrators and strategic consultants over a three-year period. Projects are categorized and ranked to identify key priorities being pursued by manufacturers within discrete and process industries. Recommendations are provided for both manufacturers and technology providers.

"Project information from systems integrators and strategic consultants provides an excellent source of data for evaluating the current state of digital transformation at product manufacturers. For large manufacturers, the transition to digital business is well underway; however, to realize its full potential comprehensive integration is required across product development, manufacturing, supply chain, and service," said John Snow, research director, Product Innovation Strategies at IDC.


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