target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50542623

Gauging the Success of the T-Mobile-Sprint Merger Three Years In

By:  Jason Leigh Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective looks at the success of the T-Mobile-Sprint merger. Three years after the T-Mobile-Sprint merger closed, the new T-Mobile has largely delivered on its pre-deal commitments and completed numerous integration initiatives ahead of schedule. This document examines what T-Mobile has accomplished in the intervening years and attempts to frame the T-Mobile-Sprint merger's place in the history of U.S. telecom M&A deals.

"Evaluating the success of mergers in a three-year window is always a challenge, yet by most measures, T-Mobile been a success, meeting key regulatory conditions, delivering tangible gains for investors, increased competitive pressures that improve the pricing environment for consumers, and laid the foundation for new service innovation enabled by a robust 5G network," says Jason Leigh, research manager, 5G and Mobile Services at IDC. "While much of the T-Mobile story is still to be written, its successes to date stand up well against the backdrop of other U.S. telecom deals."


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