target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50545723

Worldwide Virtual Reality Headset Market Shares, 2022: Meta Stays on Top

By:  Ramon T. Llamas Loading


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This IDC study provides a brief overview of the worldwide virtual reality headset market in 2022.

"Having spiked in 2021, the worldwide virtual reality headset market retreated back down," points out Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's AR/VR team. "However, there are silver linings within this: total volumes finished ahead of pre-pandemic levels, and new product introductions in 2022 as well as those expected to launch in 2023 stand to bring the market back up. In addition, smaller companies continue to see slow and steady progress and interest — from both consumers and commercial users, which is slowly gaining ground. This points to a maturing market in the years to come."


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