target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US50557523

IDC PlanScape: Digital Infrastructure Operations Staff and Skills Modernization for the As-a-Service Era

By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading


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This IDC PlanScape helps organizations that are proactively migrating to as-a-service solutions to build a business case and a planning framework for modernizing internal infrastructure operations head count and skills while simultaneously adapting to an increasing reliance on operational capabilities delivered via automated and remotely managed as-a-service solutions.

"Even as enterprises expand use of digital infrastructure as-a-service solutions, including public cloud, the importance of internal digital infrastructure staff has never been more important," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research vice president, Future of Digital Infrastructure Agenda at IDC. "As-a-service models may shift many traditional datacenter infrastructure operations roles and responsibilities to service providers, but internal teams need to step up to manage these service providers, optimize data integration and security, and collaborate closely with line-of-business (LOB) technology leads. Organizations that proactively modernize digital infrastructure operations staff and skills to best leverage as-a-service models will be better positioned to accelerate digital business initiatives while simultaneously keeping budgets under control."


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