target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50562923

Worldwide Smartwatch Market Shares, 2022: Apple Leads as Market Slows Down

By:  Ramon T. Llamas Loading


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This IDC study examines the market shares of vendors in the worldwide smartwatch market in 2022.

"The worldwide smartwatch market continues to show signs of maturity," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director for IDC's Wearables team. "2022 marked the fifth consecutive year of growth, yet 2022 marks the slowest growth rate yet compared with previous years. Meanwhile, multiple vendors moved upstream with more feature-rich devices available at higher price points and were rewarded with an enthusiastic response from end users. The result was a new record high of total smartwatch value. Here, Apple once again dominated the market with more than two-thirds share of total value worldwide."


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