target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50589423

Streaming and Real-Time Data Redefined and Superimposed on IDC's Global DataSphere

By:  John Rydning


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This IDC Market Perspective defines (or redefines) streaming data, real-time data, and ultra-real-time data, and the volume of data created in IDC's Global DataSphere in 2022 that fall into these subsegmentations is estimated.

"Often, the terms 'streaming data' and 'real-time data' are used in conjunction with each other and sometimes interchangeably," says John Rydning, research vice president, IDC Global DataSphere. "While not all streaming data created is real time, and not all real-time data is streamed, organizations indicate that over two-thirds of streaming use cases require ultra-real-time or real-time data."


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