target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50589723

Communicating Digital Strategy, from the Front Line to the Board

By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides a high-level guide for developing a communication strategy that will roll up, and cascade down, for effective and aligned comprehension and engagement from the board to the front line. By framing the key messages for all levels of the organization as a key starting point for the communication strategy, digital leaders can move away from the technology-centric reporting that may be complex and not understood by nontechnical leaders and employees.

"Start communication planning with a clear, business-centric picture of the strategy," says Alizabeth Calder, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "By building out the strategy so that messages cascade, the top-level reasons for investment and priorities can be made to resonate as leaders need to understand to support the journey. Then, with executive and leadership comprehension and support, communication at the front line can successfully build both awareness and energy around the digital strategy."


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