target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US50632624

Worldwide Content Services Applications Forecast, 2024–2028

By:  Holly Muscolino Loading


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This IDC study provides the market size of the worldwide content services applications market, and the ECM and CSC submarkets, in 2023 and a five-year forecast through 2028 by geographic region and deployment type. It is the companion document to Worldwide Content Services Applications Market Shares, 2023: Transitioning to Intelligent Content Services (IDC #US50632724, forthcoming) and updates the worldwide forecast included in Worldwide Content Services Applications Forecast, 2023–2027 (IDC #US49200423, May 2023).

"Organizations continue to seek increased operational efficiencies, especially in the current economic environment. At the same time, they must continue to support flexible work models and provide an exemplary customer experience," according to Holly Muscolino, group vice president, Workplace Solutions at IDC. "To that end, we will see ongoing modernization, a continued shift to a unified content model, and impact from disruptive solutions based on new AI technologies."


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