target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US50837424

IDC PlanScape: Cloud Research Computing for Higher Education

By:  Matthew Leger Loading


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This IDC PlanScape provides an overview of cloud research computing including the benefits today's solutions provide as well as the challenges research IT teams need to consider. The document also discusses the global trends driving demand for cloud research computing and provides guidance for research IT leaders as they document and execute their research computing strategies.

"Research computing is far more than high-performance computing," said Matthew Leger, research manager for IDC's Worldwide Education Digital Strategies research program. "Today's research computing solutions, powered by cloud technologies, empower researchers of all backgrounds with enhanced computing power, advanced data analysis tools, and easy access to large data sets and make global collaboration seamless. To accelerate time to discovery, cloud research computing must serve as a core pillar of higher education's research IT modernization efforts in the years to come."


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