target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US51017823

Where Is Enterprise Interest in Apple's Headset?

By:  Ramon T. Llamas Loading


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This IDC Survey — taken in May 2023 prior to Apple's introduction of the Vision Pro — focuses on interest in Apple's upcoming headset. We polled 412 decision makers whose companies have deployed augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) headsets to their employees, focusing on interest, willingness to purchase a first-generation Vision Pro, and how much they were willing to pay.

"Apple's long-anticipated headset has been a hot topic in the months leading up to its announcement and in the weeks since," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Augmented and Virtual Reality team. "Given Apple's warming reception in the enterprise against ARVR's slow adoption, the results from our survey point to Apple finding an eager audience across multiple verticals."

Apple may see differences in pricing where its announced price point of $3,499 is higher than expectations prior to the announcement of the Vision Pro. "In some cases, Apple's stated price is double what participants had anticipated and overall higher than 88.8% of what the survey data indicate. This does, however, point to the opportunity for Apple to introduce a lower-priced version to appeal to a wider audience."


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