target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51111723

What and Where Is the Interest in Augmented Reality as a Service in the United States?

By:  Ramon T. Llamas Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight looks at the appetite for augmented reality as a service (ARaaS) in the United States. We polled 349 IT decision makers on their interest in ARaaS, and because we also asked them which vertical markets they represented, we were able to look at ARaaS demand by industry (industry defined as a group of similar vertical markets).

"As the market for augmented reality (AR) devices ramps up, so too will the need for ARaaS," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Augmented and Virtual Reality team. "ARaaS draws its roots to device as a service (DaaS) to demonstrate cost savings, IT workload reduction, and streamlined device replacement. Many of the same approaches and benefits can be applied to AR.

"At the same time, different industries are moving at different trajectories, and vendors should be wary of that," adds Llamas. "Manufacturing has long been active in the AR space with multiple use cases and proven value generation, making it the perfect spot to launch ARaaS. Others like wholesale/retail trade/transportation and warehousing may have more specific segments and needs for vendors to focus on. Regardless of which industry and vertical and because this is an emerging market, vendors and companies need to be flexible in their ARaaS approaches."


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