target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US51121823

Augmented Reality at Work in the United States: A 2023 Overview

By:  Ramon T. Llamas Loading


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This IDC Survey analyzes the current market for augmented reality (AR) at work in the United States. IDC polled 349 IT decision makers on their experiences deploying augmented reality hardware, software, and services. This includes at what stage they were at with deployment, which hardware they use and plan to use, which brands they use, and who provided their enterprise platform. We also inquired about their biggest challenges, inhibitors, and benefits.

"Augmented reality deployment continues to move in fits and starts, yet the companies that have leveraged this emerging technology have reported positive results," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Augmented and Virtual Reality team. "With more hardware and software solutions from which to choose, companies are in a strong position to achieve their goals with augmented reality. This includes increased productivity and efficiency as well as improved training for employees. In addition, they can look forward to positive ROI, enough to expand their AR usage.

As the landscape changes, vendors would do well to equip themselves with a long list of partnerships. "For augmented reality to succeed, potential customers will need an ecosystem of solutions from headsets and glasses to business- and task-specific software to ongoing support," adds Llamas. "Vendors prepared not only with their own solution but with compatible solutions from their partners will be in a better position to help navigate their clients from tests and pilots and ultimately to deployment at scale."


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