target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US51157623

Digital Infrastructure Business Outcome Leaders' Profile: Insights from IDC's 2023 Future of Digital Infrastructure Scorecard Analysis

By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading


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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation describes the major digital infrastructure technology, governance, and operational capabilities that differentiate business outcome leaders from organizations that still have work to do to maximize the business value of their digital infrastructure resources. The analysis highlights several areas where business outcome leaders are far ahead of their peers. Some of these are:

  • 85% of leaders rely on highly integrated multicloud architectures, 8x more than nascent organizations.
  • 93% are committed to implementing a unified management control plane across on-premises and public cloud infrastructure versus 3% of nascent organizations.
  • 72% of leaders are broadly implementing full stack observability to drive automated operations versus 4% of nascent organizations.
  • 79% of leaders strongly agree that digital infrastructure as a service, including consumption models, is a critical digital infrastructure success enabler versus 3% of nascent organizations.
  • 75% of leaders want strategic vendors to take on admin and ops tasks to allow internal staff to focus on the business.

The tech buyer segmentation used to support this study is based on the IDC Future of Digital Infrastructure Scorecard, 2023: Improve Digital Business Outcomes with Cloud, Automation, and Ecosystems (IDC #US50402123, August 2023). The analysis reflects results from IDC's June 2023 worldwide survey of 876 digital infrastructure decision makers.

"IDC's Future of Digital Infrastructure (FoDI) Scorecard analysis indicates that business outcome leaders understand the value of investing in interconnected hybrid and multicloud infrastructure managed with consistent, intelligent automation, and observability," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research vice president, IDC's Future of Digital Infrastructure. "Tech buyers that are able to effectively link business outcomes to important technology enablers will be well positioned to make compelling business cases for transformational digital infrastructure investments going forward."


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