target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51195423

The Deep Automation Imperative: Architect Your Enterprise as an Automated, Self-Optimizing Organism

By:  Serge Findling Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides CIOs, senior IT and technology executives, and other enterprise executives an overview of the concept of deep automation, which involves taking enterprise automation to the next level through a holistic, adaptive, and evolutive approach. It points out that while current intelligent automation efforts have accelerated operations, deep automation adds a vertical dimension by combining technologies and processes to enable continuous adaptation and evolution. Deep automation emerges from the interactions of various elements, creating sophisticated and intelligent capabilities. It aims to make businesses self-adjusting like biological organisms, with automated, interconnected systems working harmoniously.

However, implementing deep automation faces challenges such as enterprise readiness, lack of vision, process fragmentation, change resistance, skills gaps, data quality issues, technical debt, IT system complexity, regulatory compliance, and new security risks. A human-centered approach is crucial, with transparency about job impacts, human oversight of automated decisions, and easy collaboration between humans and machines.

"Deep automation takes a 'whole organism' approach — integrating technologies and processes enterprisewide to enable continuous learning and adaptation," says Serge Findling, adjunct research advisor, IT Executive Programs (IEP) at IDC. "Deep automation emerges when you combine simple components vertically into sophisticated capabilities — much like deep learning models."


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