target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # US51218623

Couchbase in an AI-First World

By:  Lara Greden Loading


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This IDC Market Note discusses Couchbase's announcement of Capella iQ, generative AI (GenAI) capabilities, into Couchbase's database-as-a-service (DBaaS) product Couchbase Capella. The new capability enables developers to write SQL++ and generate sample data and application-level code more quickly by offering recommendations. While PaaS vendors are clamoring to add GenAI coding assistants, for end users, this is just the beginning of a sea change in terms of smart PaaS offerings. Companies like Couchbase will have a strong role to play in the AI-first era not only by adding GenAI capabilities but by being a technology of choice for serving intelligent applications. In Couchbase's case, this may hinge on the value proposition for the company's DBaaS Couchbase Capella multimodel database technology, the company's ability to add vector embedding and reach developers, and the Couchbase Lite version to power mobile intelligent applications. Development and engineering organizations with multimodel data needs for intelligent applications in the cloud and/or mobile devices will want to consider Couchbase and work with the company to provide feedback.


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