target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US51265723

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Intelligent Digital Asset Management 2024 Vendor Assessment

By:  Marci Maddox Loading


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This IDC study provides an assessment of the intelligent digital asset management (DAM) systems used for persuasive digital experiences and presents the criteria most important for companies to consider when selecting an AI/ML- or a GenAI-enhanced DAM solution. This assessment discusses both quantitative and qualitative characteristics that explain success in the DAM serving as a centralized repository for managing and optimizing digital media assets across industries. The intelligent DAM offers functionalities like intelligent workflow automation and integration capabilities; DAMs are evolving toward dynamic media and composable services, highlighting their critical role in today's digital landscape and future advancements. The evaluation is based on a comprehensive and rigorous framework that assesses vendors relative to the criteria and one another. The study highlights the factors expected to be the most influential for success in the market during both the short term and the long term.

"Utilizing a digital asset management system as a storage for images, videos, and other rich media is a thing of the past. Future developments in DAM focus on dynamic media capabilities, immersive 3D experiences, and leveraging generative AI for content creation and management, indicating a shift toward more intelligent, efficient, and personalized content management and distribution processes," said Marci Maddox, research vice president, IDC's Digital Experience Strategies program. "Operating a digital business requires adopting AI/ML and GenAI within the DAM system to not only increase rich media creation and management but also deliver brand consistency and maximize digital asset ROI."


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