target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US51272024

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Desktop as a Service 2024 Vendor Assessment

By:  Shannon Kalvar Loading


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This IDC study explores the evolving landscape of virtual client computing (VCC), focusing on desktop as a service (DaaS) as a critical component within this spectrum. It highlights the role of DaaS in addressing the growing IT talent shortage by offering a highly automated, robust, and user-friendly virtual desktop solution, distinguishing it from traditional cloud VDI. The study underscores the importance of DaaS in the broader context of digital operations and AI transformation, suggesting it as a strategic solution for talent management and operational efficiency. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of vendors based on their geographical presence, direct support to customers, infrastructure options, ecosystem partnerships, and market sustainability, offering advice for technology buyers on selecting DaaS that aligns with their automation needs and talent strategies.

"In an era where talent shortages loom large, desktop as a service emerges not just as a technological innovation but as a strategic asset, reshaping how we think about workforce capabilities and IT operations," said Shannon Kalvar, research director, IT Service Management and Client Virtualization, IDC. "DaaS stands at the forefront, offering a glimpse into the future of digital operations and AI transformation, where automation and virtualization converge to redefine the essence of employee engagement and operational efficiency."


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