target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US51277023

IDC Cloud Pulse 2Q23 Executive Summary: Applications, Data, and Hardware Selection Criteria of Companies Consuming Cloud

By:  Penny Madsen Loading


  • 46 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation uses IDC’s 2Q23 Cloud Pulse Survey data, which collects responses from more than 1,300 cloud buyers globally, to assess the changing application landscape of the cloud-buying community and the infrastructure choices made. Cloud buyers are fine-tuning their focus on applications as they go about making cloud decisions, from how applications are built to the locations they are best deployed in. This presentation offers a deep dive into applications deployed and those that cloud buyers plan on deploying, application location decision drivers, application management and transformation, data and data requirements (including data sovereignty), and cloud compute and storage requirements.


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