target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US51309223

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Video Surveillance Camera 2023 Vendor Assessment

By:  Mike Jude Loading


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This IDC study discusses vendor assessment of video surveillance camera market for 2023. The video surveillance camera market is showing substantial growth and is characterized by a high degree of innovation. This year’s IDC MarketScape discloses that technology vendors are delivering current capabilities that meet existing user needs but are rapidly evolving their solutions to address future applications for video observation data. While several low coast providers are increasingly denied market access, users are becoming more focused on the value of video solutions rather than the cost.

According to Mike Jude, IDC research director for Video Surveillance and AI Video Analytics, “Video data is becoming an important tool enabling business process analysis and optimization. Our IDC MarketScape analysis demonstrates that video technology vendors recognize this increasing business importance and are developing solutions that will enhance the capabilities of video surveillance cameras to not only address safety and security applications but also to provide useful business telemetry.”


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