target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Dec 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51486123

Automation Alone Is a Short-Sighted Strategy

By:  Serge Findling Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight delves into the acceleration of enterprise automation and the renewed concerns about the impact on the workforce. Experts advocate for augmenting roles versus full automation. However, IDC's recent CIO Sentiment Survey reveals automation as the top investment priority, with over 70% of firms worldwide accelerating or maintaining spending on automation to replace work. Despite this focus, executives still prioritize human capital over other areas. Facing staffing challenges, firms need a balanced approach.

We recommend a people-centric automation strategy that augments roles alongside redeploying workers. While essential on its own, automation should also enhance valuable workforce capabilities. Leaders must incorporate benefits to employees in automation decisions. A holistic, adaptive automation approach across the enterprise and ecosystem enables this ongoing, fruitful collaboration.


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