target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US51498024

Making the Most of Pillar Two Requirements

By:  Bill Latshaw Loading


  • 25 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation looks at Pillar Two requirements.

To make the most of Pillar Two taxes, tech buyers need to be aware of how Pillar Two legislation will affect their organization, from tax compliance to more tactical moves.

This presentation provides some guidance on:

  • What Pillar Two is
  • Whom it affects
  • When it will come into effect
  • United States–related data on Pillar Two
  • Ways to use AI to support Pillar Two compliance
  • Rethinking European holding companies
  • Tax department organization structure considerations — decentralization over centralization
  • Use of transitional safe harbor based on Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) before Pillar Two is fully enacted
  • How business consulting providers can support tech buyers with Pillar Two
  • Advice for tech buyers regarding Pillar Two

The goal of this presentation is to provide tech buyers with some thoughts for addressing how a requirement can be used to produce organizational benefits. It is not designed to be a tax support document. The descriptions of Pillar Two and the various legislative documents mentioned are constantly changing and therefore require a tax professional to negotiate specific guidance for your organization.


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