target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US51551124

IDC PlanScape: IoT/RFID for Condition Intelligence in the Perishables Supply Chain

By:  Jordan K. Speer Loading


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This IDC PlanScape addresses how Internet of Things (IoT)/Ambient IoT and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, when combined with connectivity networks that allow transmission of temperature and humidity data, can enable tracking and tracing while providing intelligence about the condition of perishable products throughout the supply chain.

"Tracking and tracing are not new to supply chains but have generally been limited to snapshots in time," said Jordan K. Speer, research director, Worldwide Retail Product Sourcing, Fulfilment, and Sustainability Strategies at IDC. "Any item can be brought back into temperature compliance, but this does not indicate what may have happened at other, non-monitored points along its journey to the consumer."

"The ability to track and trace products without blind spots along their end-to-end journey enables businesses to provide fresh, safe, and delicious food consistently to consumers and build a trustworthy and sustainable supply chain."


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