target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51637024

Information Versus Front Line: Office-Based Workers Reap the Benefits of Increased Mobilization Efforts

By:  Bryan Bassett Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight analyzes results from IDC's annual U.S. Enterprise Mobility Decision-Maker Survey: Devices, conducted in May 2024 among 550 enterprise mobility decision-makers in the United States.

Over the evolution of enterprise mobility, office-based "information" workers have benefited tremendously from mobile technology, and businesses continue to invest significantly to equip information workers with mobile hardware, software, and services to make them more efficient and productive. Historically, enabling frontline workers with mobile solutions has been less of a priority for most enterprises, and this trend is set to continue through 2024. While enabling frontline workers with mobile technology offers a host of efficiencies and benefits, most U.S. enterprises will continue to target remote and office-based workers for increased mobilization efforts.

This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the types of workers that will benefit from increased mobile enablement efforts among U.S. enterprises.


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