target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51672424

What's Next for Integration? AI Gateways, AI Agents, and the Convergence of Automation and AI

By:  Shari Lava Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses innovations in integration that are furthering the convergence of AI and automation within business processes, emphasizing the importance of investments in these areas despite potential budget cuts. It discusses the emergence of AI gateways and AI agents and the critical role of API management in facilitating this convergence, advising technology buyers to select versatile AI and automation suppliers and to manage APIs effectively to enhance AI and automation strategies and prevent potential security risks.

According to Shari Lava, senior research director, AI and Automation at IDC, "Integration is evolving with the rise of AI to include capabilities to enable AI. As these technologies move closer together, integration is becoming a powerhouse of efficiency and innovation."


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