target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US51692524

Worldwide Virtual Client Computing Software Market Shares, 2023: Rapid Change Overtakes the Market

By:  Shannon Kalvar Loading


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This IDC study discusses the virtual client computing software market, which grew to $7.9 billion in 2023, with Microsoft, Cloud Software Group, and Amazon capturing 75% of the market. New market entrants and those with intensely focused solutions found new clients and access to new use cases throughout the year. Upcoming strategic and operational challenges in the IT environment, in addition to the expected continued usage of hybrid work models, will drive additional opportunities for incumbents and disruptors alike.

"IDC sees the virtual client computing market as one of the keystones to modern hybrid work arrangements," said Shannon Kalvar, research director, Virtual Client Computing at IDC. "It is also one of the market most affected by both the IT talent shortage and the resulting shift to automation globally. This is reflected in the year's results, which see the unseating of 2 of the top 3 vendors."


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