target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51710224

Why Haven't We Achieved Full Process Automation?

By:  Eric Thompson Loading


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This IDC Perspective looks at full process automation. Supply chains have long sought advancements in automation and optimization. While technologies have gotten us closer to realizing the vision, many still lag. Addressing internal roadblocks, ensuring continued progress in digital transformations, and moving forward with pilots in decision support will help accelerate — or even just get unstuck — on the path to full digital supply chain resiliency.

"A combination of well-mapped business processes, aligned decision-making, and digital capabilities will all be required to realize supply chain resiliency and the supporting capabilities of process automation and optimization." — Eric Thompson, research director, Worldwide Supply Chain Planning at IDC


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