target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Feb 2024 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US51862623

IDC's Worldwide Network API Taxonomy, 2024


  • John Byrne Loading
  • Patrick Filkins
  • Chris Silberberg Loading
  • Melissa Holtz-Fremeijer Loading
  • Courtney Munroe Loading


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This IDC study discusses the concept of network API, focusing on its evolution and potential changes for 2024. It provides definitions of key terms such as API, network API, and service API bundle and explores the role of APIs in telecom networks. This taxonomy also delves into the concept of network and service exposure, the standalone 5G core, and the role of various API standards bodies. It further outlines the initial commercial API focus areas and the evolution of the telecom ecosystem in relation to APIs.

"The struggles of telcos globally to monetize their significant investments in 5G are well documented and have only intensified as the cost of capital has increased over the past few years," said John Byrne, research vice president, Comms SP Operations and Monetization at IDC. "Network APIs and service API bundles represent a new opportunity, but the ecosystem to build out this vision is still being built, and the winners and losers remain unclear."


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