target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51906323

Corporate Strategy: Keys to Success from the Office of the CFO

By:  Heather Herbst Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses the importance of corporate strategy to not only the company but also the office of the CFO. The document discloses what can happen when there is a lack of corporate strategy. It provides the process outline and technology to enable corporate strategy development. It also reveals why every executive leader needs to understand the importance of corporate strategy development and the effect it can have on the office of the CFO.

"Corporate strategy is paramount for the Office of the CFO to ensure the financial decisions support the execution of corporate strategy and can lead to a better financial outcome. Often, leaders avoid creating, editing, or deferring the work to their team, which can lead to the demise of an organization. If you are a director or part of the C-suite, it's part of your core duties to create one that is in alignment to the corporate strategy to help your team understand their role in achieving corporate goals." — Heather Herbst, research director, Worldwide Office of the CFO


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