target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51906723

Tax Authorities Are Inspecting Intercompany Transactions, More Specifically Transfer Pricing — Can Technology Alleviate the Problem?

By:  Heather Herbst Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses about tax authorities regarding the implications of transfer pricing. These discussions encompass intercompany transactions, which involve transfer pricing and are recognized as a complex issue. Furthermore, we explore how technology can offer solutions to address these complexities. We delve into the distinctions between homegrown and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions concerning intercompany transactions.

"Many CFOs and corporate controllers are aware of the major pain points surrounding intercompany transactions, which include transfer pricing. It is not only a compliance issue from a tax view but also a major complaint internally from nonfinance functions, given companies focus on acquiring new legal entities to solve competitive advantages relating to a supply chain or an IP. Many companies ignore the technology solution that can elevate the pain." — Heather Herbst, research director, Worldwide Office of the CFO


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