target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US52101125

Worldwide Tech Buyers Prioritize Data Logistics Improvements to Unlock the Full Value of Business Data


  • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
  • Phil Goodwin Loading


  • 18 slides

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This IDC Survey highlights selected results of IDC's June 2024 Worldwide Digital Infrastructure Sentiment Survey. The survey results represent input from 1,129 senior IT and business decision-makers from a wide range of industries. Collectively these organizations struggle to unlock the full business value of their organizations' data assets. Overall, the estimated mean percentage of value that organizations are able to unlock is just 56.4%. Survey data indicates improving data logistics, by investing in data security, compliance, governance, and automation, must be a top priority for organizations that want to fully extract the value of data assets and enable their organizations' AI strategies.


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