target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52106624

Digital Asset Management Serves Marketing Use Cases and Houses a Fraction of Rich Media in the Organization

By:  Marci Maddox Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight presents key use cases for digital media from IDC's March 2024 Digital Asset Management QuickPoll Survey and showcases the amount of digital media stored in digital asset management (DAM) systems.

"While marketing teams most often are the ones to use a digital asset management system, a large percentage of rich media sits outside the DAM," states Marci Maddox, research vice president, Digital Experience Strategies at IDC. "This should raise concerns for organizations that do not fully use the DAM to manage risk and properly reuse assets and that incur brand inconsistency with media stored on local or corporate shared drives."


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