target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52188124

What Impact Will the Adoption of AI/ML and GenAI Have on PaaS Market Share?

By:  Adam Reeves Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight provides insights from IDC's PaaS Decision-Maker and Business Value Survey, conducted in November 2023, to investigate what impact AI/ML and GenAI will have on PaaS market share. The data provides insight into the potential for churn in the PaaS market as organization assess the AI/ML and GenAI capabilities of their current providers.

While the current PaaS market leader is Microsoft followed by Amazon and Google, nearly 50% of respondents claim to have changed or expect to change cloud vendors as part of incorporating AI/ML and GenAI into their digital solutions. Survey respondents claim that the most important criteria when selecting a PaaS/application platform are security, cost/price, and available services to aid development and deployment.


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