target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US52273425

IDC PlanScape: Micromobility Insurance to Unlock Net-New Revenue Streams

By:  Davide Palanza Loading


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This IDC PlanScape highlights the opportunity in micromobility driven by the rapid shift in urban mobility, with shared micromobility becoming essential. Insurers have a significant chance to unlock new markets as the micromobility insurance sector grows to meet increasing demand. By adopting data-driven policies and leveraging IoT technologies, insurers can provide affordable and flexible coverage as well as enhance safety, aligning with the expanding micromobility landscape and supporting global sustainability goals.

"In the evolving micromobility industry, collaboration between operators and forward-thinking insurers will be crucial," said Davide Palanza, research manager, IDC Financial Insights. "By embracing data-driven policies and innovative technologies, the sector can overcome the challenges of high insurance costs and regulatory uncertainty, paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient urban mobility ecosystem."


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