target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # US52313224

Composable Commerce Technology Strategy: Insights from commercetools Elevate 2024

By:  Heather Hershey Loading


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This IDC Market Note provides an event summary with product announcements. It also includes a "two-minute summary" of what headless commerce is all about. In April 2024, commercetools hosted its inaugural Elevate Summit in Miami, marking a significant moment in the evolution of enterprise headless composable digital commerce.

The Elevate event showcased the unveiling of new products designed to enhance the adaptability and efficiency of commerce systems. Participants gained insights from industry leaders about transitioning from traditional monolithic systems to more flexible composable structures, with firsthand accounts from commercetools' executives and their clients. The summit provided a comprehensive analysis of the technological advancements driving the industry. Keynote speeches and panel discussions delved into the practical implications of adopting composable commerce frameworks, emphasizing real-world applications and strategic integration of emerging technologies.


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