target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52326024

Mobile Connectivity Innovations in Public Safety — Examining Dejero and Allerio

By:  Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading


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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation examines the evolving landscape of public safety connectivity, with innovations from companies like Dejero and Allerio creating new mobile response connectivity capabilities for emergency services agencies. Each company brings distinct technological advances to the table, tailored to meet the unique demands of public safety professionals in different operating environments.

Allerio has carved a niche in the emergency medical services (EMS) sector with its highly portable and versatile connectivity solutions. Its compact, mobile hub ensures multicarrier connectivity, including access to FirstNet, a dedicated network for first responders. This feature is crucial for EMS and fire agencies, particularly in community paramedicine and 911 response scenarios. Paramedics benefit significantly as they can carry this technology into homes, providing them with reliable internet access essential for telemedicine and critical data transmission. Allerio's service model, which involves no up-front costs and is based on a monthly subscription, appeals to many public safety agencies that require flexibility and cost-effective solutions.

Dejero offers robust connectivity solutions with its advanced bonding technology, which integrates multiple network connections to deliver a seamless and reliable internet experience. This technology is particularly beneficial for applications requiring high-bandwidth, such as live video streaming, which is extensively used in mobile command centers and by media teams in the field. Comparatively, Dejero's solutions come with variable up-front costs (depending on existing technology infrastructure) and separate charges for connectivity (again, depending on customer needs) as well as its patented Smart Blending platform. Dejero's technology is primarily designed for vehicular use, with some in-office applications.

Understanding the differing capabilities offered by Allerio and Dejero is important, and hinges on specific operational needs — whether the priority is cost-efficiency and portability in individual and in-home emergency response settings or the focus is on high-performance connectivity for broader, vehicle-based operations in remote/rugged/crisis situations. These insights can help public safety agencies make informed decisions that enhance their operational capabilities and response effectiveness.

The attached slides outline the basic product features, and provide a scenario-based comparison for each provider's solutions.


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