target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52326724

Generative AI in Travel and Expense Management: Potential Opportunities for Trip Management and Cost Savings

By:  Jordan Steele Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses the transformation possible in the travel and expense management solution market through the implementation of generative AI technology. The current approach to travel and expense management results in companies facing challenges around auditing, trip management, and reporting/analytics. With features optimized via generative AI, solution providers are exploring ways to improve the user experience and drive improved insights, increased efficiency, and more cost savings for users.

“The possibilities for improvements enabled by generative AI are endless within travel and expense management,” says Jordan Steele, research manager, Worldwide Financial Applications Support at IDC. “Providers can expect users to demand analytics that provide actionable insights; more automation in their expense generation, approval, and reimbursement workflows; and an overall improvement to the user experience. All of these and more are possible with responsible and intentional implementation of generative AI.”


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